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Buy or Sell a Daycare
in Montreal

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Are you in the market to buy or sell
a Daycare in Montreal?

Deciding to buy a Daycare in Montreal is not a decision to be taken lightly. Same goes for deciding to sell a Daycare in Montreal.
Owning a daycare is a hands on job that often requires long hours, hard work, and patience. Much like teaching in any other
educational institution, the satisfaction often comes through watching a young mind grow and flourish in front of your eyes.
Everyday you work with wonderful individuals, and meet so many beautiful families and children, it can also become quite
financially rewarding and is an industry with a growing demand.

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About Rosetta Gentile
Leading Daycare Broker

Before becoming a real estate agent, Rosetta Gentile owned and operated a commercial daycare in Montreal for over 15 years. Located in Pierrefonds Roxboro, “Garderie Le Monde Des Tout-Petits”, still stands in operation under the new owners today. From Monday to Friday from 6:30am to 6:00pm, a single mother of four worked diligently to grow her once home-base business of 5-10 children into a successful and thriving enterprise which served the community.

Now, over two decades since she started her career in real estate, Rosetta has become the leading Daycare broker in Montreal. Her understanding of the Daycare industry is in depth, and understood from A to Z. Whether you are looking to buy or sell a Daycare in Montreal, Rosetta can guide you through the process and ensure that you receive and/or pay a proper and fair value.

In the last 20 years, Rosetta has lead the market in commercial real estate. In 2004, Rosetta listed and sold over 200 properties in the business and residential sector of the Greater Montreal and West Island regions. In 2011, Rosetta’s efforts in commercial real estate led to the sale of over $46 million in the daycare business alone. Her continued devotion to her clients as well as new, incoming prospects has held Rosetta among the upper echelon in the Quebec real estate community.

In the last 20+ years, Rosetta has lead the market in commercial real estate as it relates to the sale and resale of non-subsidized and subsidized daycares in Quebec. Additionally, she has expanded her presence in the Private Daycare Sales sector amounting in an additional 30+ sales during that time.

Rosetta’s client network is vast and extends beyond Canada’s boarders into foreign markets as well as locally. When you work with Rosetta, you work with a web of experienced professionals who understand the intricacies of navigating complex acquisition in the public and private sector.

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Daycare centres for sale

Region Location Daycare Type Building Daycare Permit Size Asking Price Status Info
Montéregie Saint-Constant Non-Subsidized Included in sale To be disclosed upon signing of NDA $1,800,000 Active Request Info
Montreal Le Plateau/Mile-End Subsidized Included in sale To be disclosed upon signing of NDA $3,700,000 Active Request Info
Montérégie Vaudreuil-Dorion Subsidized Included in sale 80 places:
(15 babies and 65 children 18 months+)
$4,400,000 CPP Request Info
Montreal Montreal and Brossard Non-Subsidized Leased 240 places:
(45 babies and 195 children 18months+)
$3,000,000 Active Request Info
Montreal Plateau/Mile-End Non-Subsidized Leased To be disclosed upon signing of NDA $200,000 Active Request Info
Montreal Rosemont La Petite-Patrie Non-Subsidized Leased To be disclosed upon signing of NDA - SOLD! Request Info
Montreal Le Sud Ouest Non-Subsidized Leased 80 places:
(15 babies and 65 children 18months+)
$1,000,000 Active Request Info
Montreal Ville-Marie Central Non-Subsidized Leased 80 places:
(15 babies and 65 children 18months+)
$1,000,000 Active Request Info
Montérégie Brossard Non-Subsidized Leased 80 places:
(15 babies and 65 children 18months+)
$1,000,000 Active Request Info
Montreal Dorval Non-Subsidized Leased To be disclosed upon signing of NDA - SOLD! Request Info
Montreal St-Leonard Non-Subsidized Included in sale (building) 60 places:
(10 babies and 50 children 18 months+)
- SOLD! Request Info
Lanaudière North Shore Subsidized Included in sale (building) 80 places:
(20 babies and 60 children 18 months+)
- SOLD! Request Info
Montreal Ahuntsic-Cartierville Non-Subsidized Leased 78 places:
(10 babies and 68 children 18 months+)
- SOLD! Request Info
Laurentides Saint-Eustache Non-Subsidized Leased 25 places: 18 months+ - SOLD! Request Info
Lanaudière Repentigny Subsidized Included in Sale 49 places:
(10 babies and 39 children 18 months+)
- SOLD! Request Info
Ahuntsic-Cartierville Montreal Subsidized Included in Sale 80 places:
(10 babies and 70 children 18 months+)
- SOLD! Request Info
Montérégie Châteauguay Subsidized Included in Sale 80 places:
(10 babies and 70 children 18 months+)
- SOLD! Request Info
Laurentides Saint-Jérôme Subsidized Included in Sale 80 places: 18 months+ - SOLD! Request Info
Laurentides Bois De Filion Subsidized Included in Sale 80 places:
(10 babies and 70 children 18 months+)
- SOLD! Request Info
Montérégie La Prairie Non-Subsidized Leased 80 places:
(20 babies and 60 children 18 months+)
- SOLD! Request Info
Montérégie Chambly Subsidized Included in Sale 80 places:
(10 babies and 70 children 18 months+)
- SOLD! Request Info
Montreal Montreal Non-Subsidized Leased 80 places:
(10 babies and 70 children 18 months+)
- SOLD! Request Info
Montreal St-Leonard Non-Subsidized Leased 80 places:
(10 babies and 70 children 18 months+)
- SOLD! Request Info
Montérégie Vaudreuil-Dorion Subsidized Included in Sale 80 places:
(10 babies and 70 children 18 months+)
- SOLD! Request Info
Montreal Pierrefonds Subsidized Included in Sale 80 places:
(10 babies and 70 children 18 months+)
- SOLD! Request Info
Montérégie St-Hubert Subsidized Included in Sale 80 places:
(10 babies and 70 children 18 months+)
- SOLD! Request Info

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